Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No martinis allowed

If anyone was planning to pack a martini shaker in your backpack for your next hike in Topanga State Park, I just want to break the news to you that martinis, like dogs, aren't allowed.


  1. Oh, Jeez. There go both my plans for a nice little hike the next time I'm down there. The dogs are one thing, but NO MARTINIS? That's just cruel.

  2. Humphf, I might have turned around and gone home. :)

  3. It has been said that Rules are Made to be Broken.

    I'm not sure that's a guiding principal that works broadly in any functioning society, although historically I've been one to challenge authority on every level.

    But SOME rules...

    My goodness, if they think they can control what's in your backpack, if they think they can define the nature of your outdoor refreshment, if they even THINK such mandates would be a good idea...

    Well, I shudder to think where we might be headed...

