Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink Toenails

Pink Saturday - Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you.

I got my toenails painted the other day. I picked a pink color for my polish. I always go to the same salon, and I tip pretty well, so the ladies who run the spa treat me nicely.

I think I was probably 45 years old before I ever had a professional pedicure. My friend Sue took me out to her salon, during a lunch break when we worked together.

Like many salons in Los Angeles and other cities, the ladies who work there are Vietnamese immigrants. I have wondered why this community managed to fill this specialized niche. Here's an article from the Los Angeles Times about how Vietnamese women began working in the manicure/pedicure trade, with the help of actress Tippi Hedren.

One time at my salon, one of the ladies' young kids were there, and they took a fancy to me. I don't know why the kids were there - I haven't seen any kids there before or since, so their mom must have had some kind of child care emergency. Anyway, the kids were about 4 and 7, and while their mom was doing someone else's nails, her daughters sat beside me and drew pictures for me. I could tell their mom was embarrassed, but I honestly enjoyed being entertained. When I get my toes done, I always ask Linh how her children are. I notice that sometimes if there's a wait for a spa chair, they jump me ahead in the queue.

These days I always have painted toenails. I don't often do my fingernails. I can't maintain a manicure for long, what with computer work and dishwashing, so it never seems like a good value. Although perhaps if I had chipped fingernails, I'd go to the salon more frequently - disgustingly, I let far too much time go between pedicures. Especially in winter. But it always feels so much better when I finally go and get my claws trimmed and painted a fresh pretty color.

Like the dentist's office, the nail salon is the place where I get to read trashy celebrity magazines. It's a guilty pleasure.

Do you paint your toenails? Do you do it yourself or do you go to a salon? How old were you when you got a pedicure for the first time?
Do you see it as a necessity, a luxury, or an indulgence?


  1. Hi!
    Love your pink toenails!!! That's a beautiful shade of pink! I've never had a pedicure before, but it does sound tempting. Have a great day!!


  2. I paint my own toenails, but I think this sounds like a nice little luxury! Like your polish... looks great!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  3. Pretty color!! I started getting pedicures when I was in my mid-40's, as a well-deserved luxury. I always scheduled them after work on a school day, and it was soooo good to get off my feet and put them in that warm, soapy, bubbly water, then have someone pamper them. Pedicures are wonderful, and I firmly believe we ALL deserve them. These days, I suppose they could be considered medicinal for me, since I have Type 1 diabetes (controlled - I wear a pump, but foot issues can happen) and my technician is trained in all sorts of healing techniques and knows how to inspect my feet. She's become a good friend over the years, and I'm looking forward to next Friday! This time I'm going to leave the polish off - give my toenails a chance to breathe, but the minute the weather warms up in Spring I think I'll have her use some pretty pink polish!

    P.S. I went and checked out Meyer's Pink Geranium stuff, and I'm buying some as soon as I run out of dish liquid!

  4. Is amazing how a single woman can wear so many hats! I read all the thing you have worked on. Beautiful shade of pink, goes very well with your skintone.

    Have a wonderful PINKISH weekend!


  5. good Morning Lady, Makes you feel good to look down when you have your toenails painted, I keep mine done in the summer time. Thanks for the concern for my dh, We are very lucky and this year will be our 40 anniversary.

  6. You gotta love pink for toenails! Happy Pink Saturday. And you are right about the material and always having it there. I do the same with my pants and other craft items. You just never know when you will be able to use them.Thank you for stopping by my blog. Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  7. Love your blog! And, your little, pink toes are adorable!

  8. I think you have pretty feet; I do not, and I have NEVER had a pedicure. I don't like to show my feet. I'm diabetic so I go to a podiatrist every 3 months, and he cuts my ugly toenails. I don't watch. YUK! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday Day.

  9. I paint my own toenails and of course in pink.:)) LOve your blog. Happy pink Saturday

  10. What a great post about pink toes and pedicures....

    I was in my early 50's before I got my first (professional) pedicure; prior to that I did my own "cutting and painting". I considered it an indulgence to go to a salon...but now....I love it and would go every month if I could.

    My favorite part (aside from the nice way my feet look after they've been pampered for 45 minutes) is that I can't understand a word of what is being said in the salon. I fantasize that about what the ladies are talking about and can lull myself into that sweet spot where I'm lodged in another (very pleasant)world far, far away from mine. It's pure escape and quite a good value for the money!

    Keep writing!

  11. You have some attractive feet! I was in 30's, and it was a disaster. Ingrown nails from it being done wrong. Every person I went to made it worse. 10 years later - I did find a lady in San Antonio who fixed everything. Once a year I travel there right before summer and she fixes me up. I love HER! No problems anymore. And going to Texas didn't cost anymore then a podiatrist bill - as it was at least 8 toes needing fixed!

  12. I love getting my toes done! I try to get them done regularly from spring through summer because I always wear sandals. I'm like you. I keep my fingernails short because of the computer and crafts but I love my toes to be painted! Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. GM G, great PINK Saturday to you girl..I love getting my nails done..just makes me feel special..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  14. I love going to the nail salon. Sitting there and having a pedicure is dreamy and relaxing. And PINK is always a good color to choose.

  15. The last time I had a pedicure was 5 years ago and I have a stash of gift certificates from friends. Maybe they are trying to tell me something!

  16. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Do not paint my toenails..or nails...allergic...:o(
    But yours look very elegant!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  17. Love your pink toenails!!
    Marina from summer! xoxo

  18. Your pink toe nail color looks great! I don't paint my own, but should!

  19. I got a pedicure one time about two years ago. Didn't really care for the whole experience. I do keep my toenails painted in the warm weather months though!

  20. How pretty! You have inspired me! My feet are looking pretty Troll-like of late... : )

  21. I love your pink toenails! I am about due for a pedicure! Thanks for the tip on the roses!

  22. Well isn't that some sweet feet. :) Perfectly painted pink.

    I do my own toenails. Maybe someday I will indulge in the salon pedicure.

    Happy PS


  23. Love the pink toenails! It is good to treat people kindly and then reap the natural rewards. I didn't have my first pedicure till I was 46 taking our kids to Hawaii for a graduation celebration. I don't go very often at all. I don't think I could bend over long enough to do all my nails myself LOL :0)

  24. Hmmmm.... I used to get my nails tipped when I was in my twenties and had no money whatsoever. Then it became a pain to have to go every two weeks to get the "fill in" it was expensive to me. So, I stopped. Then I got married and thought maybe I'd try it again. But, after a little bit I decided it looked too much like I was throwing money away. (I'm a Stepmom and the kids were much younger then.) So, I saved the money and bought them gifts throughout the year to put away for Christmas instead!

    Now in the summer (hope you don't mind the long drawn out comment!) I love having my toenails painted. I do it myself. In the winter I let them go bare until I have some Christmas party to go to and then I remember at the last minute to quickly paint them!

    Ta da! There you have it. :)

  25. I've never had a pedicure either, but I think I would love it. Those are some cute pink tootsies you have there. ;-)

    Happy Pink Saturday, Glennis.

  26. Love that shade of pink..however, I do my own. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful week.

  27. Lovely pink toes! I also get pedicures. I didn't until about 10 years ago but now, I wouldn't give them up. During the summer my little Vietnamese lady, Tammy, paints a flower on each of my big toes! And I love the foot and calf massage. . . bliss. Like you, I never get my fingernails done. Thanks for the article about how the Vietnamese ended up being the ones with the nail salons. I've wondered about that.

    Happy Pink Saturday! Thanks for stopping by today!


  28. Hi G! Oh, what pretty pink toenails you have! I go off and on to have pedicures. In the summer I usually go once a month, but in the winter I slip and just do my nails myself.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. I love getting a pedicure ....I only do it during late sprint and all summer...and of course it is a necessity.....hehe....
    Mo ;-)

  30. Dear G
    I wasn't expecting to see feet tonight!! But I have to say they look marvelous.
    Love Claudie

  31. ha-ha... great minds think alike... you and the Panda! have a blissful week. Dixie

  32. Hi G., My nail lady is a Vienamese guy and he is excellent. His whole family owns the salon. Yep, my toenails are always painted red and my fingernails are pink. Go figure! Happy belated Pink Saturday.

  33. Love your toenails! I paint mine but have never had a "real" pedicure. One of these days...
    Hope you had a lovely PS!
    Sheri~~Prim Rose Hill

  34. What pretty pink toenails!!

    Happy Pink Saturday a little late!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  35. I see painting toe nails as really sexi and a MUST for a nice lady :D! mine are always red!

  36. Can't have anyone near my feet! Love the shade of pink!
    Happy Belated Pink Saturday!

  37. Pedicures are my guilty pleasure - the whole experience is so girly and luxurious.

    The wonderful ladies devotion to you and only you.

    The other customers chatting on and on - oh, the gossip.

    The soaking and lotion.

    The magazines.

    Yep. I just had a manicure (me and my girlys - I promised we would go back - next time I'm opting for the pedicure - but next time we are going to a NICE salon).

  38. Lucky you, to have great looking feet. Mine would never appear in a photo, not even after a pedicure. Reminds me, I need one now.

  39. Oh my gosh! I posted my pink toenail polish on Pink Saturday back in November!
    Your feet are cuter than mine :-) Happy belated PS!

  40. HI!!! Happy verrrry late Pink Sat!!

    I LOVE your Pink piggies! I have only had three pedicures---for my son's wedding (had them put PINK on my pigs), after a day of walking the gift market in Atlanta (OMG--what a treat after than day) and with my daughter (she shared a gift certificate she'd received at a spa with me). I have the world's ugliest toes, but I feel like they are gorgeous after a pedicure. I need to treat myself to that once in awhile!!
    That was a great Pink Share! Dana

  41. high love the pink nails
    i,53 when i went for my first pedicure my sister in law gave me a free one so i too went pink. well i didn't show anyone but i did take pictures see i'm a male
    I'm hooked on them now i've tried different colours pink is still my fave
