Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Playing hooky

If staying home to nurse a cold or flu is important, is it just as important to take a little "mental health break" sometimes?

Or have you stayed home from work so you can take care of important household matters or errands?

How about calling in sick so you can interview for a different job?

Have you played hooky so you could do something way more fun?

Are there days when the weather's so pretty you just can't bear the thought of sitting in the office?

Come on. Fess up. I won't tell. Have you ever called in sick when you weren't? And if you do, do you ever feel guilty about it?


  1. Came here by "Woman in the Window" (super great writer) Yes, I played hookey last week. Certainly a boost to the brain. Love your cheery yellows.

  2. Yes, I called in sick when I wasn't physically sick, but I was sick of work and needed a day off. I figure if you have sick days, it doesn't matter if you are physically sick just as long as you are somehow sick.

  3. I was sick of work just this week and called in. :) I think everyone does it. I used to feel guilty, but then I realized my mental health is just as important as my physical health. Some just can't hack it. Happy belated Pink Saturday! :)
    ~~Sheri~~Prim Rose Hill Studio

  4. Oh Lord, yes. I called it a "Mental Health Day," b/c like Geri said, you can be sick in other ways than physically.

  5. I do it all the time, and I don't feel guilty. My job gives me 40 hours free, I take those 40 hours. When I am sick, I come to work and make it happen. But when I feel like I want to relax, destress, take a day for myself for a bath, tv, eating, shopping... I just get "woozy" and call in "sick". Those are the best days off ever. They feel so earned and deserved :) LMAO @ Geri's comment!

  6. yes yes yes yes ... since starting my own practice? i.e., no paid leave? not so much to rarely never.

  7. Hi………
    Very cool your blog!
    Great! Keep posting…….
    Good week………

  8. Oh, yeah! All of the above.

    My boss is a slave driver.

    What's worse is that I'm self-employed ; )

  9. I suppose maybe I have in the past, now I have to save those sick days for when my kids are under the weather. Funny though, I have to go to work sick.

  10. Can't say that I have "called in sick" ever...when I wasn't. But, I will say that maybe I should have because one fine day two years ago, I hit the wall going 1000 miles an hour and literally had to take 3 months of leave from my work before I could patch myself back together to the point that I could get back to the job. So, there may be a lesson there.

  11. I used to call in "well." There was always a "well" day during the holiday season so that I could do my Christmas shopping minus the weekend throngs. It was the BEST IDEA EVER.

  12. YES! All of the above are perfect reasons to escape the daily grind.

    We had a snow day last week, (although it was perfectly legal for me to take the day off - had I worked I would get a comp day to use later) I took the day off and the girlys and I got manicures.

  13. Never! How could you even suggest such a thing! I would never do that! I have too many important responsibilities!

    Very truly yours,

    someone who works for [The Man I Love]
