Thursday, February 5, 2009

Beautiful scenery, under the weather

I'm staying here in a pleasant hotel on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, looking over the water. [The Man I Love] is speaking at a conference and I'm tagging along. In a few days, I fly to a nearby city for a business meeting for my own profession. This was going to be a nice chance to be together and enjoy tropical climes and travel.

But I'm miserable.

I have a cold. I have a nasty, messy, sniffly, runny-nose, scratchy-throat, achy cold. It started the night before we flew here.

Here's the view through my window. There's a causeway leading to barrier island beaches, and from our window we can see birds, the ripple of waves, and palm trees tossing in the breeze. But instead of exploring this lovely part of the country, I sit here in my pajamas in the middle of the day, zoned on NyQuil and waiting for the virus to pass.

It will, of course, inevitably. I will be just fine in a day or two. I'll probably get well just in time for my conference - meaning, in time to go to work.

But now, here I am, in Paradise, sneezing. Hope you all are feeling better than I am.


  1. I'm so sorry you're sick. I'm battling the same thing. That nasty virus is really making the rounds.

    Beautiful view. Maybe it, along with the NyQuil will help your virus pass quickly. Take care.

  2. Sigh....

    Hope you feel better soon.
    I like your new profile picture!

  3. Oh no, what awful timing! I hope you make a super-fast recovery.

  4. I am feeling great, thanks, and hope that soon you'll feel good too!

  5. Oh - poor you. Being sick on vacation is simply NO FUN. *sends cyber chicken soup*

  6. It hardly seems fair that you could be sick in paradise. Feel better soon!

  7. Oh no! I just prayed for a little miracle for you! It is very beautiful there.

  8. Oops, I was just about to envy you.
    Get better,

  9. Ahhh, the gulf waters - while they may not cure you they certainly can go a long way to making you feel better.
