Sunday, February 22, 2009


The economy is in crisis. This is a time of anxiety and worry for many people. It's made us mind what we spend money on. Window-shopping has replaced actual shopping; no longer do I impulsively buy something I like in a shop - I usually put it back on the rack and walk away.

It's a paradox, isn't it? Our economy can't recover unless people spend money, but we're all keeping our pocketbooks zipped shut because we're worried about the economy.

That's why it's fun whenever you DO find something that you feel good about spending money on. I recently found a little item to buy that was virtually guilt-free.

There was a basket on the sidewalk in front of a little store on Abbot Kinney Boulevard. Little books of lined paper, leather-bound in pretty colors beckoned. Designed like an address book, with little alphabetized tabs, the book allows the owner to jot down notes or list items for reference.

Only this book listed categories of things that make you happy.

What's better than a device to help remind you of things that make you happy? A nice book to keep in your handbag. Or a nice gift to amuse and delight someone you love. But in this economy, what price does one pay for a Happiness Tracking Tool?

A sign on the basket said:

Acceptance IS the first key to Happines! It's certainly worth three dollars!

I found these books at DaisyArts in Venice, CA. If you're in town, go visit.


  1. Lovely books! Have a great week! Vanessa

  2. I find during times of adversity, small victories mean so much more. Wonderfully said.

    Wanted to answer your Thematic Photographic question. I posted this on my blog, but wanted to drop it here as well, just to make sure you got it:

    Glad you asked. Just post additional links in a new comment on the original (from last Wednesday...37, in this case) Thematic Photographic entry. As many as you like. In fact, many participants post a number of similarly-themed entries each week. The more the merrier!

    Hope that helps. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm!


  3. I'm a bit lost regarding the lost 's', I must be having a Monday moment.

    However a basket of books is very, very exciting. It has been far to long since I went down my favourite old bookshop with a fiver to spend.

  4. That's one of those books that I would want desperately and would in fact buy ('cause $3 is about right for me) and then sadly I wouldn't fill it. But I would buy it!

  5. Wow. I wish I was in town because I would totally go buy one. So beautiful and fun! An empty notebook just excites me to no end. I love getting a new day planner each January! I like technology, it is so helpful and cool, but there is something spectacular about handwriting down tidbits of information. LOVE IT!

  6. I just love that they left the final 's' off the word! It is such a commentary on what makes one happy! LOL

    It's not always things.

    Like esses!

    I think I would have bought them all and done some kind of installation with them!

    Terrific find.
