Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pink Saturday - Jasmine

Pink Saturday - Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire your creativity!

Here in Southern California we are fortunate that we can grow jasmine. This is Jasminium polyanathum, also known as Pink Jasmine and Winter Jasmine. Its pink buds open into small white fragrant flowers in February.

I grow a jasmine vine on the wooden structure that screens my trash cans up by the curb. I figure having a fragrant plant helps disguise the garbage both visually and - well - in an olfactory way.

This plant is in bloom on a fence among the shops and cafes along Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice, CA. It foams and burgeons over the fence, reaching out its fragrant tendrils to passersby.

In colder zones, you can grow pink jasmine as an indoor potted plant - it works well as a hanging basket - in a cool room, where it will get some night-time chill.

This is not the only Jasmine you can grow. The genus Jasminium has over 200 species of fragrant vines and shrubs.

Jasminium sambac, commonly named Arabian Jasmine, is the jasmine used to make jasmine tea. It has broad evergreen leaves, and there is a double-flowered version called "Duke of Tuscany" that is widely cultivated. Arabian Jasmine is the national flower of the Philippines.

In addition to the number of Jasmine species, there are also many fragrant plants of other genuses that have the common name of Jasmine - Trachelospermum is called Star Jasmine and is frequently grown as an outdoor ornamental in moderate climates.

Night-blooming Jasmine is really the genus Cestrum, native to Central America, India andMexico.

Even the fragrant shrubby plant we know as Gardenia - Gardenia jasminoides - is often called "Cape Jasmine" in certain parts of the country, particularly the South.

If you're a Jasmine lover, and you want to try a few species for your own gardens or homes, Logee's Tropical Plants is a wonderful mail-order nursery with a wide selection. Even if you're not in the market for Jasmines, their website and catalogs are good reading.


  1. I wish I have them hanging on the porch. It's beautiful and fragrant too. The white and the pink looks lovely. Nice to see them in bloom.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Jasmine lover? Nah, I'm a Jasmine ignoramus really, but those photos are gorgeous.

  3. You are so very blessed to be able to grow such a divine flower with such an intoxicating fragrance! I envy you that. It doesn't do well here in Indiana.

    BTW....Mystery client revealed this Pink Saturday....think you know who it is?

  4. I bet it smells incredible. I've always loved the fragrance and tea. Will have to check out that gardening catalogue.

  5. G,
    Mmmm, Okay you've found something I miss about Cali... the scent of night blooming jasmine wafting in the bedroom window on a warm summer night. Love love love that pink jasmine! sigh Blessings, Shay

  6. oh, those lush thickets of jasmine - how delicious!

    this is something we do NOT get to grow, here in New England!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Oh how gorgeous and I can only 'imagine' the sweet fragrance!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Ohh, how wonderful pinks!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  9. How lucky you are to have this beautiful jasmine. Nice PIC.

  10. That's gorgeous. Such a delicate, pale pink. I love the scent of jasmine. I don't know that I've ever seen pink jasmine. White and yellow, yes, but pink? I don't think so.

  11. I love jasmine, it smells so good

    happy pink saturday

  12. I have never seen PINK jasmine! Oh, how lovely! I have yellow and white, but now I'm going to have to search for some pink!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  13. Oh My! What a beautiful vine. I think I smell it for sure. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday! ♥

  14. This has to be one of the best days of the week for a dyed-in-the-wool pinkie like me.

    Your sharing this week is w♥nderful. Thanks so much...warmed me's -6 outside and I need all the warmth I can get!

    I can smell the jasmine from's fabulous!

  15. The pictures of the pink jasmine are beautiful. Your description of the fragrance reminds me of Confederate jasmine, which is grown in our part of the country. It is a creamy white color.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. You asked about the girl on a pig, which is my banner. I recently did a makeover of my blog background and header. This is a picture of a painting my aunt did of me at about age 3 sitting on one of my grandfather's pigs. I have a post on my blog about the makeover.

  16. Beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday.

  17. How pretty. Know how fortunate you are to be able to grow so many plants. We aren't able to start yard work yet.



  18. Beautiful jasmine! I bet it smells wonderful!!


  19. I don't think I've ever seen a pink jasmine before! How beautiful! We have a fragrant jasmine growing up a birdhouse in our backyard, and love when it blooms in the spring. I wish it were as fragant all year long!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. I love Jasmine! So beautiful and the scent is beyond words. Happy Pink Saturday!

  21. Oh yes, I am a lover of jasmine. I always plant one wherever we live. But, I have never heard of a pink jasmine. This is gorgeous.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Glennis.

  22. How beautiful that jasmine is! I've never seen so much of it at one time.

  23. hello and a happy pink saturday to you!

  24. Gorgeous. I can't even imagine at this point.

  25. Oooo...I can smell that glorious fragrance now! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  26. jasmine. I think I need some of that! We have some star jasmine in the front and back yard but it just may need a pink friend! Thanks for the idea!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  27. Wonderful info and photos g. My mom had night blooming jasmine by her bedroom window. It filled her room with the most delicious smell. Love your pink jasmine today.


  28. Mmm...those photos of the pink jasmine are lovely. I wish we had it here.

  29. Happy Pink Saturday;

    OH how lovely they are, I would love to have some of the Jasmine hanging around my house... i can smell it now... mmmmm


  30. Oh...the sweet smell of jasmine! Lovely pink post!

  31. What a beautiful jasmine. Happy Pink Saturday. What a great idea to plant to disguise where the trash cans are kept. I will need to keep this in mind. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs :)


  32. happy pink saturday! never see a pink jasmine before.. and your pictures are awesome.. am sure your garden smells good.. have a great weekend..

  33. G...Love your Octopus and flowers.
    We are having winter here and then spring, them summer and today back to is 35 degrees right now...Thanks for stoppin in, come again soon.

  34. Hi G - I love jasmine and it smells absolutely least what I had in my last house. I get jasmine and honeysuckle mixed up because they smell similar. :)Nancy

  35. Such a lovely way to disguise garbage. I love jasmine too. Such gorgeous color and smell.

  36. Happy Pink Saturday for last week! I did post, but it looks like it didn't get through (I must have not pressed the right button and deleted instead, duh!)
