Thursday, March 12, 2009

Colors outside the lines

Last week at my job, I was given a mild reprimand for using an outdated form to submit a regularly scheduled task. The form I used was last year's. On this year's form, on the fourth page, there's a four-part check-off box. The choice I checked was still worded the same, but the ones I didn't choose were worded differently this year.

So I was asked to re-submit the form.

It's kind of hard, at my age, to take this kind of thing seriously. Yet on the other hand, it's depressing to think that someone else takes it seriously. Very seriously.

Last fall while cleaning out my mom's things, I found an old report card of mine - 5th or 6th grade, I think. Marks off for using the wrong color ink, and "too much drawing."

Whatever, bitches. That's just how I roll.


  1. I still have a report card from 3rd grade on which the teacher had written, "Tristan seems to think he knows more than the teacher."

    I was right.


    you go girl, with your red ink drawings!

  2. I had several teachers who complained about all the drawing I did on all those blank parts of the paper. Only one I remember just gave me extra paper and encouraged my creativity to go there.

  3. Clearly, you had too much flair for "some people."

  4. Little did that teacher know that she was stiffling creativity.

  5. There's always somebody who'll pick at something! :D

  6. What a hoot!! Love your blog, your thoughts and that pink van. Happy Pink Saturday

  7. Oh bad girl you!!! LOL I still recall my second grade teacher keeping me after school because I could not STAY ON THE LINES when I did Handwriting. I can still see that yellow paper with the green lines...ugh. :)

  8. TOO FUNNY! I failed Art Class in 6th grade.

    BTW, I have a BFA, taught at a public and private schools and was a showing artist in MI. Her "encouragement" did not work! LOL!

  9. Somethings never change Glennis. I use to get into trouble for not following or "hearing directions" right...I once was supose to answer math problems that ended in seven...and to color the answer box red which was to suppose to look like a Valentine Heart. Well,
    I "heard" wrong and colored the boxes that had a number seven in the equation...Needless to say it was the sorriest looking Valentine Heart I ever saw and the most embarrassing!

    Hang in there Glennis, some people just take life to seriously..



  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. Cool pink suburban. Happy Pink Saturday.

  11. Colorful ink and doodling or drawing ALL ROCK!

    I have a report card from 5th grade where the teacher wrote "Sophisticated Shelia can be (and then put a line through 'can be' and replaced it with 'is' delightful most of the time." Whatever!

  12. I wish I had my notebooks from 5th grade...I'm sure I drove my teachers nuts. I'm still doodling, only now I earn a living doing it. So there, Sister Mary Madeline!
