Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink pajamas

Pink Saturday - Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you!

Back a couple years ago when I had a milestone birthday - not saying which one - the guys in my family did something tricky.

My husband called me at work and invited me to lunch. He said he'd pick me up in the company parking lot.

When I arrived downstairs, he was in the car, and our son was with him. I was whisked away to LAX, where we boarded a plane and flew off to an undisclosed location.

Actually, I'm happy to disclose it. We ended up here:

The Sou'wester Resort is located in the town of Seaview, Washington State. It's on Long Beach Peninsula, which is a narrow barrier island in the lower left-hand corner of Washington State, at the mouth of the Columbia River. It's a cool, foggy, damp place at times, but in the summer it's kissed with sunlight, wind, and a mild climate. The wild treacherous currents at the mouth of the Columbia River and the crashing waves of the northern Pacific Ocean contrast with the richness of the seafood harvested from Willapa Bay, the cranberry farms and organic vegetable gardens - and make it a wonderful place to experience the natural environment and the bounty of local-grown food.

[The Man I Love] and I have been going to Long Beach Peninsula for vacations since we were married. We honeymooned here, and we visited here many times while we lived in Seattle. So for my guys to spirit me away here for my birthday was a sweet treat.

The Sou'wester Resort consists of a main lodge house with furnished rooms, a handful of small cabins, and an assortment of venerable travel trailers dating from the 1940s and 1950s. The deluxe aluminum Spartan travel trailer in the photo above was our rustic hideaway for my birthday.

The wide Pacific Ocean beach is just beyond the dunes, down the road from the Sou'wester. One of the attractions of Long Beach Peninsula is the summer Kite Festival.

Another attraction is the fact that you can drive your car right on the hard-packed sand of the wide beach - with the hopes that you won't get stuck in wet sand, or run afoul of giant tree trunks tossed in the violent, frigid Pacific surf.

Turns out [The Man I Love] had colluded with my boss to let me take a few days off. Hmm.... sneaky of him!

We flew into Sea-Tac airport, then rented a car and drove through the dark, stormy forests of Southwest Washington. When we arrived it was dark, and we were cold.

Our trailer had been lovingly prepared for us. Birthday greetings festooned the narrow, compact space. A glass of champagne was offered, some tasty snacks, and then my family brought out gifts for me to open.

Like a pair of pink flannel pajamas. Patterned with pictures of dogs taking baths. With treats. And bubble bath.

Books, too - good girly novels plus some great hard-boiled paperback detective stories.

Long Beach Peninsula looks rustic and rural, but it's actually home to two of the Pacific Northwest's great restaurants, The Shelburne Restaurant at an Inn in Seaview, and The Ark Restaurant in Nahcotta - over on the west side of the island overlooking Willapa Bay. My guys had made reservations at both!

Aren't they clever?

We snuggled in the cozy bunk beds. We bundled up for long walks on the beach. We ate oysters on the half-shell in tiny ocean-front shacks. We had a marvelous time.

I have to thank my two guys for organizing this. They are the best. And I love my pink pajamas. I still wear them today. I'm wearing them now, this weekend, while you're reading this.


  1. I'm going to be brutally honest with you...

    ...I don't own any pink "pajamas".

  2. Isn't that just sweet :-) nice views to, no wonder you like - love this place so much.

    Cute pajamas :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. I bet you turned 40 a couple of years ago, just like me! ;)
    I'd be reading James Lee Burke too, can't get enough of the dude.

  4. nobody has ever done anything like that for me.

    now I feel deprived!

    how totally cool!

    hApPy PiNk SaTuRdAy!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday!

    What an awesome surprise!

  6. I just ♥ what you've shared this week. Pink Saturday is like candy for me...just can't get enough!

    You are sending your goodies to me, aren't you? I'll be waiting for the UPS dude by the front door ☺ ♥ those jammies!

  7. How sweet and thoughtful of your 2 guys to do that for you. Love the jammies! You know I stay in my pj's all day until I take a shower to go out. They're so comfy!....Christine

  8. *´¨)
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY PINK SATURDAY *

  9. You're so lucky to have such a considerate and loving man in your life. I love the pink PJ's. Pajamas are one of my favorite things...I would live in them if I could. Happy Pinking!

  10. awww that is the sweetest. i envy you.

  11. What a wonderful Birthday Surprise! Cute pajamas.
    Happy PS.

  12. Your pink p.j.s are yummy! Have a great weekend.

  13. What a royal treat!!! My kind of pj's too!!! Oh that is some wonderful memory to share! xo betzie

  14. Your hubby and son know how to keep the love alive! Curious minds want to know .. how does one get whisked away from a supposed office lunch to the airport without supervising one's own packing? did you husband pack for you? How did he manage? Or... how did YOU manage?

  15. I love pajamas but need some pink ones, yours are so cute and what a heartwarming post. Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing yours !
    Happy Pink Sat ! blessings

  16. Love the story and the p.j's, they look so comfy cozy.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. What great men you have in your life! And what a great role model your husband is for your son! He will treat his wife the way a women should be treated. Great post!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. What an incredible BD surprise! You must have been elated. This area sounds so familiar, but I don't think I've been there. Perhaps while were in the Pacific NW, I read about it. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful experience. ♥

  19. Your pink pj's are really cute and what a sweet story behind it all!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!! :)


  20. What a great birthday surprise that was! Happy Pink Saturday.

  21. what a wonderful birthday surprise.
    happy spring to you!

  22. Love the jammies! What a treasured memory you have!

    Happy Pink Saturday


  23. ok that was fabulous of your guys!! I love it..And I am all about pink pj's!!! thanks for stopping by and happy pink Saturday..

  24. ok that was fabulous of your guys!! I love it..And I am all about pink pj's!!! thanks for stopping by and happy pink Saturday..

  25. Happy Pink Saturday;; AWWWWW what a sweet thing for them to do.. Love the photos looks like a wonderful place to spend some time... I love you pink PJ's they are so cute..
    thanks for the visit and sweet comment...


  26. What a fantastic husband and son you have!! Lucky you! Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. What a great surprise, so fun!!! I live in WA state, I will have to check it out. Happy Pink Saturday.

  28. I think that is such a great story! How wonderful of your two guys! I have pink pajamas with dogs - love them! Happy Pink Saturday - oh, and i love James Lee Burke, too!

  29. First time on your blog. I love those pajamas and glad to read that you all had a great time.

  30. You are a lucky lady to have such great guys, and they are very lucky to have you.

    Love those pajamas. Happy Pink Saturday, Glennis.

  31. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful new week.

  32. I'm very jealous. I usually go to the Oregon Coast for my vacations. I NEED to back. It charges my batteries!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  33. Nice. Sweet boys.

    And why did you turn the comments off on your newer post about the theatre? (Unless I missed it.) Such a sad story. I ache for the old, but then you already know that.

  34. isn't love just the greatest thing going? And surprises with someone you love, pink pjs and the whole nine yards, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  35. I love this post; I like the way it comes back to the pajamas at the end and tells such a sweet story! Happy pink!

  36. Now that was one awesome birthday surprise! Loving those pink pj's!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  37. You are an awesome writer. I read several post you had and I was throughly engrossed as if I were reading a great novel.

    Enjoyed your surpise from your guy and the Young Frankenstein video

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
    Deanna :D
