Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Every Tuesday, Sandiegomomma gives writers a prompt to help inspire us and make writing fun! Today's prompt? Use in a story/poem: a skein of red yarn, a comb and a bottle of water. Here's mine:

A stroller pushed
through stalls at El Mercadito,
baby displaced by groceries;
A jug of water, fresh bread
the chiles and onions,
Filling the fabric sling seat.

Father holds the girl in his arms,
a pink flowered headband
held with a comb in her dark curls.
Mother looks at dishtowels, socks.
Plump skeins of embroidery yarn,
fill a plastic bin
with a tumble of color.
The baby reaches out
wanting a ball of red wool
eager to hold its brilliance,
to feel it spring beneath her fingers.

My photo is from a trip to El Mercadito in East Los Angeles this December - in a second floor notions stall I watched a little girl drawn by the bins of brilliant colored yarns.


  1. If I wore a pink headband I would be in trouble...;)

    Love the last four lines particularly. My bubba loves reaching, grabbing, touching.

  2. Beautifully said; three words incorporated into a poem that creates a precise image. I can see it in my mind's eye. Gorgeous.

  3. Excellent - I can see it all clearly.

  4. Love when I can see the things someone writes of. I just did.

  5. Beautifully done. Love the day's purchases in the stroller instead of the baby. It's so familiar and perfect.

    Da Goddess

  6. This is like a painting that's a poem.

    (Does that make sense?)

    Such vivid imagery. I can completely see this in my mind's eye as a photo montage.

  7. Awesome poem. It paints a clear beautiful picture. I really enjoyed it.

  8. Lovely! I did this prompt too. It was fun!
