Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Farewell to Texas

These pink azaleas are blooming in the garden of my mother's house. This week the house goes on the market. The realtor gave a tour for agents yesterday and feedback is good - it should sell, and he's got it priced right.

My brothers and I have spent the last several days clearing out - taking the things we want and the things Mom has asked for, shredding old papers, throwing away trash. We're working with a small business that will host a sale in the house and sell everything else, for a percentage of the sales. They were a little disappointed at how much cleaning and clearing we'd already done - but we left enough behind.

We were unable to conduct such a sale long-distance, so we feared our only choice would be to donate everything to Goodwill or throw it away. Then we heard about the company we're working with. Even though I don't want or need much of the stuff in the house, it's nice to think that someone will clean, price, and display so many things I remember from childhood, and that someone else will see them as treasures to bring home.

Goodbye to the house, goodbye to East Texas. I kept some treasures, and I'll share them with you later.


  1. What a difficult project it is, to see our childhood memories go on the auction block...I've lived through it.

    There is a relief that it's all taken care of and over with - but it's a bittersweet relief because so much of our history is leaving our hands.

    I'm glad you're getting it straightened out - and that you had a brother to help you!

  2. Gorgeous photo as usual.

    That company sounds a treat.

  3. Beautiful photos.

    I'm from Texas too. Been in LA since 1990, but my family is all still there.

    That service sounds like a good and helpful one.

    It's hard to let go of childhood stuff.

  4. I can't imagine the work it will be when we do this for my mother someday.

  5. I guess we all have to face that milestone at some point. My MIL sold her home a couple of years ago. Fortunately she made the decision herself.

  6. This is a tough process I'm sure; bittersweet. But, it sounds like everything is falling into place.

    Love the azaleas; they are so beautiful this time of year.

  7. You OK? That must have been exhausting. At least I always get exhausted going through old stuff, mostly the memories.

    Yes, share.

  8. You know you're in East Texas when you see Azalea's growing so beautifully.
