Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pink Saturday - Parisian Pink

Pink Saturday - Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you!

This Pink Saturday, I'm thinking of Paris. There are many Pink Saturday-ettes who dream of Paris, and some who have been there, and some who actually know Paris well.

I speak passable high school French when I'm not nervous, and I can read French fairly well. I've read books about France and Paris - Collette's naughty novels, MFK Fisher's exquisite books of gastronomy, even Jean Rhys's sad sagas of depressed drunken damsels of the '30s.

But I've never been there.

This small boutique on Main Street in Santa Monica is called Paris 1900. Its home is an old brick storefront with a custom bay window fitted with Arte Nouveau woodwork. When you step inside - and it's only open a few days a week - you step into another world.

Here are vintage clothes and lingerie. Antique toys and accessories. Modern French toiletries.

There is a collection of mosaic jewelry.

A black straw hat you might see Eliza Doolittle wearing, with cherries and jasmine on the crown.

A comfortable armchair with elegant French lines.

It's in Santa Monica. And it's only the start.

Because in July, [The Man I Love] is taking me to Paris!!

And I need your help.

I'd love to hear from those of you who know Paris, with tips and ideas for making our stay special. Please tell me what we should not miss. Leave your comments or email me your recommendations.


  1. I am having terrible trouble emailing you! Everything I send gets returned, and I've checked and checked your address!

    However, one thing I WILL warn you about in Paris is HOLD ONTO YOUR PURSE. There are thieves around, especially in crowded places like the Metro. Mine was stolen (my little purse that carries money, etc. out of my handbag (purse to you!) without me ever knowing. Don't take too much money around with you, or more credit cards than you are using, leave the rest in the hotel safe. If it hasn't got one, book into another hotel!

    There are a huge number of Africans around, North, Middle and others! Be careful. Most are honest, some are not.

    Use the Metro, you can get a book of tickets which is much cheaper than paying for each journey. And its fun!

    Walk along the Seine - very romantic. Take a trip in one of the big boats.

    If you like modern art, the Pompidou Centre is interesting. In July, places are going to be busy and crowded. Don't try to do too much.

    If you don't know the name of something in a shop - point. and Smile!

    Some of the street markets are good, but beware of the ones around the Sacre Coeur.

    Have a wonderful time!

  2. Aaawww I haven't been to Paris. But I'll be hoping you travel safe (first and foremost of course) and then that you have a wonderful time there. :-)Take lots of pics! :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Have a fabulous time where ever you go. Safe and Fun.

    Not sure about the cups, found them on a goggle search for pink stuff.


  4. what a divine little boutique.

    Thanks for sharing happy Pink Saturday!


    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Love the parisian pink post! What a darling shop, lots of goodies!

    Enjoy Paris! Wish I could be of any help but I've never been! So I expect to see pics when you return!

    Have a great weekend!


  6. that is some fancy store!
    thanks for sharing it, and for coming's nice to meet you.

    barbara jean

  7. love that store, i would visit it alot!!!! thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week.

  8. I've never been to Paris, only dreamed of it! I'm sure you will have a fabulous time. Happy Pink Saturday to you.


  9. Great post , nice shots. Happy PS.

  10. Oh My Gosh!
    You lucky girl. Never been to Paris, so make sure you share lots of pics with us when you return. Inquiring minds want to know if it really is as romantic as the movies make it out to be. I loved the hat with the cherries. I collect cherry things and love hats, so I am afraid I would have had to purchase it. Couldn't have walked out without it. I also loved the mosiac pieces that you shared. I would have loved to shop there with you. Thank you so much for stopping by my BLOG and welcoming me to PS. I am so loving this. Sending you "Country Hugs" from Country Wings in Phoenix, Sherry

  11. What a cute little shop with pretty pink things. I have never been to Paris but I hope you have great time on your trip there. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog too. Happy Pink Saturday to you!

  12. Amazing shop - how lovely it is! You have a taste of Paris right in Santa Monica. Congratulations on your upcoming trip to Paris! I've never been either, and I so look forward to going some day. You will have a wonderful time, I'm sure! Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. I love love love your blog....I will add you to my blogroll!!

  14. Those SHOES!! They ARE shoes, aren't they?
    I have been to Paris twice (Neither time was with a tour.) and never had a bit of trouble!
    The Metro is your friend and will take you anywhere you want to go.
    Don't put your tickets in a magnetic clip, however!
    Be sure to go all the way to the top of the Tower!
    Have a wonderful time!

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE the shop! Sorry I've never been to France. HAVE FUN! I can't wait to hear about your trip!
    Hugs, Lisa

  16. LOVE the shoes in the first photo. I've never been to Paris but this shop is a close second!
    Thanks for sharing such wonderful photos.

  17. What a wonderful step into some wonderful vintage items. I could loose myself in here. What a wonderful place to visit. I'm sorry I can't help you out with visiting Paris. I hope you have a wonderful time, and bring back lots of pictures to visit via your blog. Thanks so much for swinging by. Happy Pink Saturday.
    hugs ~lynne~

  18. Wow, you are so lucky!!!! Plus to be going with the man you love...even better. Of course, no French fling for you...LOL
    Enjoy Paris and be sure to take LOTS of pics, have never been there, can't help. Love that straw hat!

  19. What a wonderful PiNk PaRiSiAn post! Love the photos! Have a marvelous time in Paris! Au bientot (for now) :) Marsha

  20. I want to come shopping with you at that little store and wow lucky you going to Paris. I have never been there Have a wonderful time drink lots of wine and eat lots oc cheese. But mostly have fun.

  21. What a lovely boutique and lucky you going to Paris. You will love it. Happy pink Saturday

  22. what a divine boutique.
    Happy pink Saturday!!!

  23. Such a wonderful little shop. I would love to browse there. And a trip to Paris !!!!!!!!!!!!!. Oh my gosh !! how wonderful and exciting.
    Happy Pink Saturday weekend..

  24. What a lovely pink post!

    PARIS??? Lucky you....I wish I could give you loads of tips, but I'm sorry to say, I've never been so I know nothing, zip, nada.... Although, I HAVE been to the PARIS Hotel in Las Vegas...does that count?? :-) I do know IF I ever got to go I'd surely want to see the Paris Flea Market....I've heard it's wonderful.


  25. I hope you have a wonderful trip to Paris and the time of your life. See as much as possible and have no worries. When we went to Paris we visited all the famous sights. The one place I did not get to that I really wanted to see was the famous cemetary ( now I don't remember the name) where Jim Morrison and so many others (Mozart etc) are buried. I bet it is gorgeous with all the antique statues and headstones. You can't go careful and the best advice I can give you is to have plenty of room in your suitcases to bring home all the goodies you are surely going to want. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  26. Oh my gosh! That man you love is a true keeper. Talk about happy Pink Saturdays!!! ;-)

    I've never been to Paris, but I volunteer to enjoy it vicariously through you.

    Just imagine the Limoges boxes I would scoop.

    Happy Pink Saturday, dear Glennis.

  27. Those slippers are soo pretty and romantic and I absolutely love the mosaic jewelry! Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Please stop by again.

    Safe travels.


  28. It looks like a wonderful shop. I think I could spend quite a bit of time there. Sorry, don't know much about Paris. Happy Pink Saturday anyway, hope it's a good one!

  29. Oh, do not miss going to the Louve! Happy Pink Saturday!

  30. i'll bet you can't wait-how wonderful!! i'd love to go to paris one day. hope you have fun and have a happy pink week!

  31. I have been to Paris and will be returning in October. Our daughter will be attending the Paris Fashion Institute in the Fall. What I have to say, is just ENJOY every minute. It is beautiful and so much to do! I do believe that Monet's house (which is right outside Paris) was one of my favorite things. It is like you jumped into one of his paintings. Also, we had the best ham and cheese/butter on french bread sandwich I have ever had in my life....I think we were really hungry but we bought it at a little shop in the small little town - it was magical.

  32. Lovely pink blog post! Another Saturday, where I am taking in all of the pink and visiting some of the most lovely blogs in cyberspace. I need the pink this morning, it's all dark and raining outside. So thanks for the uplift☺

    Wishing you and those you l♥ve a weekend filled with sunshine, good food and many, tender memories.

  33. Oh Myyyyy...Paris??? I wanna go too!

    I've been there twice, and I can't wait to go back. Be sure to go to the Sainte Chapelle after you finish with Notre Dame (if you can still walk). And then, if you have feet left, go over to the left bank and visit the cafes where all the Biggies sat and wrote, and where Shakespeare & Co. still exists, and Like That.

    You'd have to really try hard to go wrong on food. Every little cafe has wonderful dishes. We found our favorite place for dinner right across the square from our hotel last time!

    Later, you can wander the Right Bank, along the Rue de Rivoli to La Place Concorde, and then up to La Place Vendome, where the Guerlain shop is, and check out the impossibly beautiful things at even more impossible prices! If you keep going, you'll reach the Opera. And the Cafe de la Paix. Wow.

    imop, sitting and people watching in cafes is as good a pastime as museums, so there.

    Giverny (Monet's house) is worth the day trip. Gorgeous. Especially for a nature photographer like you!

    Have the BEST time! And take lotsalotsa pictures and tell us all about it!!!

  34. Hi...H.P.S.!...Too...
    Paris, yes, been there, had to go on business many times, as well as a few trips for Hols...
    Advice?...look out for poodle droppings on the footpaths....LOL...xx

  35. *Gasp* That boutique is gorgeous and definitely looks like my kind of place. Congratulations on your upcoming trip. Alas, I have never been but I wish you a safe and wonderful journey.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today. It was a pleasure to read your comment.

    .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  36. How wonderful that you have a man that you love that is taking you to Paris! Oh, la, la....

    I bet you will have a super duper wonderful time!

    You'll see the Eiffel tower at night with the glittering lights, and the Arch of Triumph with the busy street. You'll walk along Champs Elysees and you'll see the Notre Dame, the Sacre Cour and the Louvre. There are so many grand buildings and things you "must" see, but what will be the real treat is just taking in the atmosphere. To eat warm croissants with café au lait for breakfast, to stroll hand in hand down narrow streets discovering fun little stores that have all the things you cannot find at home. When your feet start hurting you'll find a quiet bistro and have a wonderful meal for two...
    During the day you'll pass by markets that sell everything from antiques and jewelry to cheese and you'll fill your suitcase to the max.

    If you want a truly wonderful view you can find that at the Sacre-Coeur viewpoint area in Montmartre. Take the funicular up for a unique experience.

    Well, as I'm sure you can notice: I wish I was going to Paris too!

    Have a wonderful pink Saturday, a blessed Sunday and a marvelous trip to Paris.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog Sweeterliving and leaving such a nice comment...

  37. Hi Glennis! I LOVE little shops like this! There is one nearby to me that just opened up not too long ago, but she sounds as if business is not what she hoped. Her place is absolutely DARLING, and I've bought several items from her already; but I'm afraid she won't stay long if things don't pick up for her. What a shame! As for Paris, I have never been there, nor any place else in Europe. If I was to dream anything close, I only hope to see my daughter go to Spain someday! I must say I'm very excited for you though! Please do take MANY MANY MANY pictures, so that at least I can FEEL like I'm there, ok? Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful week!

  38. Oh, I love those little pink slippers and the shop is just gorgeous . . . how fortunate for you to have a shop like that to visit!

    Enjoy your trip to Paris . . . I haven't been but I'd love to see the Eiffel Tower and Versailles . . . be sure to check out Marie Antoinette's getaway at the back of the property . . . it looks divine!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments! When you go to Paris don't be afraid to ask to take a picture . . . most people are flattered as long as you're polite s'il vous plais!

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Inside the Mind of a MiniMadWoman

  39. I would kill for those beautiful mosaic pins! I have bought a few in old estate sales, and I just love them.

    I don't know from Paris, but wanted to wish you well: have a WONDERFUL TIME!!! :)

  40. I love those shoes! Even though I like to stick to sneakers, I would definitely wear them. Happy Pink Saturday!
    :-) Fuzzy Snails

  41. Adorable boutique...never been to Paris...something to add to my bucket list. Have a marvelous time, the only thing I remember from 7th grade french class is bonjour (hello) and auvoir (goodbye) and jermabelle Michelle (probably not spelled right, my name is), I guess you better get the rosetta stone, quick learn french, unless you are already fluent.

  42. How extraordinarily wonderful to go to Paris! I am very thrilled for you : ). Thrilled to pieces. Can you get the hat with cherries to wear on your trip? What a delightful hat.

  43. Lovely place. I'd love time to wander!

  44. dream! My dream! How absolutely romantic that you are going to Paris!! That shop looks exquisite.

    And, I've read those naughty novels, too. I just went to a screening of the new movie Cheri starring Michelle Pfeiffer. I really enjoyed it. have Paris. I am SO jealous!

  45. Love, love, love your photo tour of the store. Good luck in gay Paree! All the food and wine is super fabulous. Don't be afraid to order the cheapest wine they have, it will be so great you'll wonder why anyone pays more. Thanks for visiting my peonies!

  46. Have fun on your trip. This sounds so romantic and fun.

  47. Love the photos, enjoy your Paris trip, how wonderful!
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    ♥ Teresa

  48. Oh I am jealous!! Have fun!!

  49. you lucky girl!!!! Loved the visit to Paris 1900. Looks like a great shop. And I wish I could give you Paris advice. Our neighbors live in the south of France & her sister lives in Paris but, we have never made it over yet. Maybe next year. Thanks for visiting me for Pink Saturday.

  50. I've never been to Paris - would love to go someday but it's a long way from where I live. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.

    Love the photos you've shared for Pink Saturday.

    Have a wonderfully pink week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  51. My only tip is
    TAKE ME!

    Gorgeous, it all is.

    I am still trying to make it around to everybody. I loved this post very much and yes I am one of those people who dream about going to paris one day.
    Amazing shop...I loved the cherry hat but I would have had to buy it for my sister Country wings in phoenix.
    I love your blog

  53. I love those pink slippers, so dainty and feminine.

    Eliza Doolittle is one of my favorite characters and I just adore Audrey Hepburn (I named my daughter Audrey).

  54. Oh my!! My kind of boutique. :0) Just lovely pictures you've shared. I hope you are having a great PINK week.

    Drop by for a visit anytime. I always close by. :0)

