Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pink Saturday - what a plum

Pink Saturday - Beverly, at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you!

When we bought our property, there were mature fruit trees on it. We have two lemon trees, an apricot tree, and a plum tree. There was also an orange tree, but it wasn't doing well, and it was removed in a garden remodel.

The plum tree is a red, Santa Rosa type plum, not an Italian prune type plum. It bears round fruit that start green and blush first golden, then pink, then red and finally deep violet. The skin shows a beautiful frosty bloom.

The fruits are plump, usually with a pronounced crease, for all the world like a shapely tender bottom.

The flesh is golden, tinged with red close to the stone. They aren't free-stone plums - where the stone come cleanly away from the flesh. You have to bite through the juicy pulp right down to the stone.

The birds and animals here love the plums, and usually steal or spoil them before they ripen enough to pick. But each year we get a few to make tarts or preserves.

The quantity varies from year to year - it seems that every abundant year is followed by a sparse year. Last year, there were so many plums the branches bent heavily to the ground.

I harvested them and made spiced plum and red onion pickles - delicious as a condiment with pork or roast fowl. We just recently finished the last of last summers' jars.

But this year, our crop is small. I'm not sure what to do with them. Perhaps this weekend I should make a new batch of pickles, or some jam.

Or instead, maybe I should make a tart, or a rustic crostata, like this one pictured here from last year - we ate it up while it was still warm.

What would you do, with this delicious midsummer bounty?

Have a happy and safe July 4th, everyone!


  1. It looks like the came right out of the fridge. And yes, they to look like bums LoL

    Look at them hanging low almost reaching the ground.

    Sorry I don't know what to make of them or what's best to make of them. I'll just probably eat them as is LoL

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Even if your crop has been small it's great to see so many plums on the branch. They look so plump and delicious.

    I haven't a clue about making jams or pickles - sad isn't it. I did make an upside down plum cake years ago which went down nicely topped with whipped cream and a cup of tea.

  3. My dad had plum trees and I miss having fresh plums and jelly! I would love to see an apricot tree. Hope you and yours have a wonderful 4th!

  4. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

    not only lovely - but they sound absolutely delish!

    HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy FoUrTh Of JuLy!

  5. Oh my, do they look yummy! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink 4th of July Saturday.

  6. OMG...Yummy post! Happy RWB...PINK and Picklin' to you!

  7. I love spicy plum jam - mmmmm, just the thought of it makes my mouth water.

  8. What a delightful post! I love to see the colors change as the plums ripen. It's wonderful to see that you "put them by." Have a wonderful holiday.

  9. Glennis, those are the prettiest plums I've ever seen. I can't blame the birds for enjoying them.

    I'll be over for a sample of whatever you decide to make.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Fourth of July.

  10. Glennis, those are amazing photographs! My parents used to raise plums in a small orchard beside the house. We also had pears. And then by the window in my parents' room was a HUGE fig tree/bush. I think of all the wonderful fruits and veggies we picked as children, and now, I'm lazy and get them from the store. But seeing yours takes me back to a wonderful time of life.

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  11. Succulent and yummy. Nice post.
    Happy weekend.

  12. What a glorious colour those plums are - and beautiful closeup photographs. You can see the bloom on the skins.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy 4th July (being from the UK, I hadn't realised it was Independence Day...).

  13. I'd make jelly! These are beautiful.

    Stop by my blogs Christmas Memories in My Heart or Playing Dishes for Christmas in July fun and giveaways. Memes are in the sidebar with links to the information.

  14. Happy Pink 4th of July Saturday! Your plums look do delicious! I miss having plums ripe off the branch! I'd go with the tart for sure!

    Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe 4th!


  15. Oh, they look so lovely and tasty! How lucky you are to have these on your property. Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. Glennis, your photography is just gorgeous. The plums are beautiful.

  17. Well, I'll be darned! That's where they come from!

    I'd eat 'em fresh. But your tart looks beautiful.

  18. Scrumptious I'm sure!!! Such a beautiful pink! Happy PS and 4th of July!

  19. now.. am drooling at your plumps.. so gorgeous on the tree! and to make jam.. is even mouth watering.. Happy 4th & PS!

  20. MMMMMMMmmmmmm! What lovely pink plums. I love all of the colors that appear in fruit like plums. It is delightful!

    Happy Fourth of July and Pink Saturday, both of them!!!

    Erin :)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. How awesome to have so many fruit trees in your yard!

    I'm amazed by the colors in many of the most brilliant colors being found in plums through their maturation process!

  23. My husband would definately vote for the jelly. He's planted two plum trees in our backyard because he craves plum jelly (as made by his mother and her family).

    Filling a pastry is probably my own personal preference. The braided number you showed looks heavenly.

    That is a gorgeous looking tree, by the way.

  24. I would love to have your recipe for the spiced plum and red onion condiment....I'm begging on bended!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
    Deanna :D

  25. I vote for the crostata. That looks delicious!
    Your plum photos are, as expected, beautiful. :)
