Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Paris Window Shopping

An antique shop on the corner of the Rue de Bac and the Boulevard St. Germaine. An ornately painted chest in the window - bristling with intricate machinery. What is it? Is it some kind of diabolical torture device? A magician's chest for a sword piercing act?


I'll never know - the shop was closed. You guys have any ideas?


  1. It certainly looks very torture-like. I suppose it could be a set of herb-garden tools.

  2. I have no idea, but the inside certainly doesn't seem to match the outside of the chest. I hope someone has the answer for you.


  3. Interesting looking chest. Let us know if you find out what it was used for.

  4. It looks like some over-elaborate lock mechanism, but as mom says, the inside doesn't quite match the outside.

  5. Whoa! I give up.

    I think you need to go back when the store is open, and then tell us the answer.

  6. I'm pretty sure its a locking mechanism. I've seen something similar on Antique programmes on the TV. The chests were used for money and valuables, so a good strong thief-proof lock was essential.

    But its a work of art in itself!

  7. Wow. I am so glad you had such a lovely time on your trip of a lifetime! I love looking back at the pictures!
