Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sit on the couch

There are some places that defy the imagination. 2400 feet above sea level, you stand at the edge of the world, the valleys and the city and the coast stretching far, far beyond. The solid ground beneath you is concrete, flat, geometric with right angles, yet also kaleidoscopic and psychedelic and otherworldly.

Click to "embiggen"

Don't get too close to the edge.

Get comfortable instead. Have a seat on the couch.

What is this place?

The tower in 1938 - Photo from LA Public Library

We're in the Santa Monica Mountains. This is a concrete pad where a Los Angeles County fire lookout tower once stood. This land belongs to the County, and there appears to be no enforcing authority overseeing it.

One mile down a dirt road that follows a rollercoaster ridge, you climb a narrow trail and end up on a knob of rock topped with a concrete pad. The layers of graffiti and chips of green and brown glass are evidence of those who've come here before - and what they do here.

Click to "embiggen"

Some minds have been seriously blown here, I think.

We come here several times a year - we like to bring visitors here and impress them with the view. It's a hard hike in the heat of summer because there's no shade, but once it gets cool, it's an easy enough walk, with just enough uphill and downhill to get your blood flowing. It's been several months since we've been, so today when we made our afternoon hike here, we were surprised to see that there was something new.

A couch. Someone carried a couch all the way out here. What a perfect way to enjoy the view.

I don't know how long it's going to last, but for now, put your feet up and sit a while. And respect the couch.


  1. I just love that couch! I mean the view is spectacular too, but that couch is just.......Wow!

    I'd definitely need it, too, if I ever made it to the top, but is really is worth it with a view like that!

  2. I love the couch photos, fabulous shots.

    I'd been wondering where my stolen couch had been taken.

  3. What a beautiful view. And I love that someone brought a couch : ) That seems like a perfect amenity for such a view : )

  4. how fabulous

    Sadly, in New Haven, that couch would last about four and a half minutes

  5. Oh my goodness! I have heard of this place but never been there...
    Too cool:)

    Merry Christmas to you:)

    Thank you for stopping by this weekend...I am off to shop.

    Kay Ellen

  6. And here by reading the title I thought this would be about you just taking it easy for once, sitting on your couch in your living room.

    Wrong! I should have known better! This is amazing! I must go here some day. Along with all of the other fabulous places you go.

  7. What a lovely view of the mountains :) Not crazy about the Art though, lol ! Merry Christmas and a Happy Belated Pink Saturday !!! :)

  8. I'm sure that couch has stories to tell!


  9. It looks like something out of the Big Lebowski,

  10. Wow. That is kind of crazy, but REALLY INTERESTING. Thanks for sharing this.

  11. how do i get here? it looks amazing!
