Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thematic Photographic - the grass is always greener

Each week Carmi at Written, Inc. has challenged readers with a theme for photographic inspiration. This week the photographic challenge continues with the theme "the grass is always greener."

On the other side of the Canyon.

This is the view across Topanga Canyon, to a grassy meadow. Part of the Backbone Trail goes through that meadow, and last year in April I hiked it. Though the weather was beautiful this afternoon, we're expecting rain again tomorrow, which will make the trail muddy. Eventually, though, it will bring out the wildflowers that are just on the brink.


  1. The hills are so gorgeous right now with all the rain we have had. I've never been there. I'll have to check it out, after the rains of course.

  2. Oh g! You live in such a beautiful part of the world! I could look at those mountains for ever!

    What sort of trees cover the slopes?

  3. Gilly - Where there are trees, it's coast live oaks, or quercus agrifolia, and sometimes Sycamore in the creekbeds. But in most places it's coastal chaparral - shrubby plants like manzanita, sage, ceanothus, chamise.

  4. This is one of those photos that just makes me sigh...beautiful.

  5. When do your hills turn brown. April is usually the time the foxtails get ripe here.

    I'm enjoying the rain.
