Friday, February 5, 2010

Thematic Photographic - on the road

Each week Carmi at Written, Inc. has challenged readers with a theme for photographic inspiration. This week the photographic challenge continues with the theme "On the road."

On the road outside of Houston, Texas. I have no idea what's in that tanker, and I'm not sure I want to know. Click to "embiggen" if you need to read the script.


  1. I'm a big fan of liquid chicken, as long as they remove the gnarly bits first.

  2. Ew...I could read it. I don't know quite what that means...broth? or worse!


  3. I don't want to know, either. It's stuff like this that'll eventually turn me into a vegetarian :)

    That's what I love about being on the road. You never know what you're going to see.

  4. Okay, that's gross. I'm with Carmi. The more I know, the more vegetables I eat.

  5. Ugh! it sounds revloting, I do not want to know any further!

    Good photo, though!

  6. It's enough to make a person carsick.

  7. Here's a pic I took of Sideling Hill.

    Funny thing, I'm pretty darn certain that you could see the speedometer when I originally uploaded it.

  8. my goodness! what a terrible sign. but it could be manure or yes broth....i will look the other way
    that is funny well i will look at the rest of your pinks and forget
    have a good day.....

  9. .I could read it. I don't know quite what that means...broth? or worse!

    Work from home India
