Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back home

We're back home. And while we were away....

The wisteria vine burst into full bloom. It smells like heaven!


  1. Yeah that was me, I hope you appreciate my efforts. ;)

  2. That is so beautiful! Reminds me of our next door neighbour when I was a child. She had the wall facing us covered in wisteria, but could never see it - we had the full benefit! It was gorgeous, but came out in May over here!

  3. I really must get some wisteria planted soon. They really must be straight from heaven.

  4. What a nice calming and beautiful sight to come home to after all the culinary and visual overload of Florida!

    Thanks for your visit and comment today.

  5. how beautiful - we barely have anything sprouting yet.

    mo is too funny

  6. And here I was excited to see my bleeding heart finally poking through the ground.

    I can smell those from here...they look beautiful!!!! :-)

  7. What a lovely wisteria- do you get hummingbirds?

    The most impressive wisteria I have ever seen grows on the facade of Washington Irving's home.

  8. Lovely. My vines will be in full bloom soon. Isn't the perfume wonderful?

  9. Beautiful! Welcome home!
    My husband brought in a bouquet of fresh-cut daffodils from the garden last night -- a sign that spring is really, truly here at last.

  10. I can almost smell it. So pretty!

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