Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lending a hand

Usman Haque, Primal Source, 2008

Here's where I ask you all a favor on behalf of someone else. Two summers ago I wrote about an amazing dusk-to-dawn arts happening on the beach in Santa Monica. It's called GLOW, and it featured site-specific art, music, and ritual happenings that drew huge crowds to spend a summer night on the beach.

The planners of GLOW are working on GLOW 2010, and have sent out an alert to fans. They are competing for a $250,000 grant from Pepsi that would help fund the event. To win, they have to get more votes than other events and programs that are vying for the support.

So if you attended GLOW in 2008, go vote. If you enjoyed reading my post on GLOW, go vote. Go HERE and read about GLOW 2010, and if you like what you see, go vote.

You can vote every single day between now and March 31. Go to this link to vote:

If you're a Los Angeles County resident and you want to participate in GLOW as an artist, you can submit a proposal through the GLOW site until April 12 to be considered. If you want to volunteer and be part of this unique event, you can find out how at the site.


  1. Mission accomplished.

    I'll vote everyday until the end.

  2. A gink begins sneering his perceptiveness teeth the initially time he bites on holiday more than he can chew.
