Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thematic Photographic - Monochrome madness

Each week Carmi at Written, Inc. has challenged readers with a theme for photographic inspiration. This week the photographic challenge continues with the theme "monochrome madness."

I like the shaded white, buff, and light gray in this shot. There's just the touch of green shown from the vine against the wall. This is a spiral staircase made of stone, in the courtyard of a 1541-built house in Dijon, France.


  1. That is a lovely shot! I do love buildings made of stone - they seem to shout 'I am here to stay!'

    However old it is, brick leaves me cold!!

  2. beautiful shot - and it would look right at home in an uber-contemporary california home!

  3. Four-and-a-half centuries old...incredible. Imagine the stories this staircase could see.

    I would, of course, have to hear them from afar, as that looks like a scary set of stairs to climb!

  4. Gorgeous, I just want to walk up those steps now.

  5. This is a beautiful image. I love it.
