Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Garden tour this weekend

Eriogonum elongatum - long-stemmed buckwheat, growing in the Santa Monica Mountains

If you live in the greater Los Angeles area, and you're interested in gardening - or even just looking at pretty gardens and pleasing homes - check out the Theodore Payne Foundation 7th Annual Native Plant Garden Tour this coming weekend, April 10 & 11.

For a $20 ticket, you can visit some 45 gardens, all over L.A. County. What they all have in common is their use of native plants of our region, in drought-tolerant, sustainable plantings - reduced water consumption, elimination of pesticides, and creating a nurturing environment for butterflies, birds, and wildlife. The Payne Foundation's mission is to educate people about native plant gardening, to propagate and preserve native species, and to promote the use of them for home landscapes. The Foundation maintains a nursery and planted grounds in the San Fernando Valley.

I'll be taking the tour, and will share some sights with you. But if you are in the L.A. region - check it out yourself. For two days, you will get to visit real people's gardens, at your own pace. You'll get to meet other gardeners, talk to them about their work, and you'll get some great ideas you can apply in your own yards. Most of the gardens allow you to photograph them.

If you do decide to go - drop me a line. Maybe we'll meet up at one of the gardens!


  1. I wish I could meet up with you!

  2. Are you discriminating against those of us that don't live in LA and hate gardening?


  3. Many thanks for promoting our seventh-annual garden tour. The folks at Theodore Payne really appreciate your kind words, not only about the tour, but native plants, too.

  4. That is SO great. I can't wait to see what gardens all around your city look like. I know it is going to be lovely!

    Also, did I tell you that the same thing that happened to your floors happened to my sister. Did you call the company? Did they say anything about what happened to so many customers? My sister hasn't been successful in speaking with anyone there that appears to care about this issue. I am just appalled that it happened to so many people.

  5. I'd cross the continent just to see this beauty first-hand. I can't wait to see how you capture it with your lens. Lovely stuff!

  6. Sounds wonderful. If I could be there, I'd very much love to tour gardens with you! Unfortunately, I'm too far away for the tour.
