Friday, April 16, 2010

Secrets of a dog's life

Our house has a deck off the kitchen and livingroom that is a full story above our carport. When the weather is fine, we like to let Jack out on the deck during the day, with a baby-gate on the stairs to keep him from roaming. He likes to sit there watching our neighbor's dog play and our neighbor's chickens wandering in their yard.

This morning as I got into my car to go to work I caught him at the corner, watching me.
I think he wants to come with me.

Well, maybe not.


  1. My doggie-dar is picking up on some "take me with you" vibes. But he does had an awfully nice vantage point for watching chickens!

  2. LOL, I do that when my husband goes to work in the morning!

  3. I think that deep down inside, Jack knows that if it was fun, they wouldn't call it work.

  4. He looks pathetic in that last one.


  5. Ciao...:-)
    questo post mi รจ piaciuto tantissimo.
    Troppo dolce e assonnato questo cane !
    Buona giornata Myriam

  6. These are the cutest pictures. What a great series! What a great life for a doggy! So sweet: ) He has the prettiest face.

  7. You have a sweet friend!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral
