Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring sandal choice

Well, it's time to make a choice about spring sandals. I've been intrigued by the new "gladiator" style sandals, so I ordered 2 pair from a mail-order house, to choose one pair and send the other back.

Sandal A is on the left. It's a matte black leather with small silver-metal inserts on the straps. Sandal B is on the right. The color was stated as "Ebony" but it is really a very dark brown. I had wanted black, but I don't think I mind deep brown. Both pair cost the same. They both fit well. Both have a good heel height - 2".

While photographing this, I have come to realize that I don't have a decent full-length mirror with good lighting. Bear with my crappy photos.

Here's Sandal A. I like the fact that they show more toe - showing off the pedicure I really must get. But the ankle straps gape, and will need to be tightened if I keep them. The styling is a bit informal. The "U" shaped design right at the ankle is a little odd - catches the eye, but I'm not sure it's flattering.

Another view of Sandal A, above.

Here's Sandal B.
Another view. Sandal B's leather is smoother, with a bit of sheen. I like the grommets and studs. The double strap up the front of the foot is more slimming, and the ankle strap fits properly. On the other hand, the zipper at the heel has a large pull that jingles annoyingly when I walk.

Sandal B again. They're comfy. Sorry again about the crappy photos.

I'm inclined to go for Sandal B, if I keep a pair at all. It's a little difficult to figure out what to wear with gladiator sandals. I'm wearing a soft drapey charcoal knit skirt today. Perhaps khaki capris would look good - but that would mean I have to buy some. Jeans? Skirts? Dresses?

Are gladiator sandals passe by now in 2010? My son's 21 year old girlfriend was wearing them in 2008.

Should I go for Sandal A, Sandal B, or send them both back? What do you think?


  1. No way! I would feel trapped in something like that. I need easy on/off.

  2. I vote for B, since they fit better and look better on your feet/ankles.
    Color-wise, I like them both!

    And this from someone who is addicted to her Birkenstocks.

  3. Scelgo il sandalo B....
    Euro 50,00 in Italia !

  4. I like A on your foot better but I bet you could come up with more choices, if you don;t want to settle.

  5. Choice B it is for me...they're HOT. Great color too.

  6. The important question in deciding which sandal to choose is, what color is the hilt of your sword?

    ***ducks thrown cutlery***

  7. Go for both! You have the legs to go with them. Enjoy them while you can!

  8. Hi g!
    They are great, very cool.
    If you HAVE to send one back, I would keep sandal B - I love the pattern over the foot.
    From k.

  9. Sandal B, for sure!!! They look awesome on you. (actually, they both look great, but I like B better)

