Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A gift

Our son is home for the summer. Both [The Man I Love] and I have had pretty hectic work schedules in the last couple of weeks. Look what we found last night when we came home from work!! Fresh baked cookies


  1. That would make my day! Hope you enjoyed them. What a lovely surprise at the end of a long work day.

  2. My older son bakes cookies too. It's wonderful!

  3. You obviously raised that boy right!

  4. Those look delish--I have a son that bakes as well; it's wonderful.

    I've been catching up with your blog--Congrats on the graduated son, the job at the beach and the wonderful trip.

    I'm definitely heading up your way this summer. My ex-future-son-in-law is living in Venice Beach--where I lived when I was little--and I want to spend a day with him. Maybe we can do lunch or something?

  5. If it wasn't so hot here, I'd be baking cookies, too!
    Chocolate chip cookies make the world a better place.

  6. What says welcome home like a plate of chocolate chip cookies? Nothing! Nothing at all!

  7. you rent him out? Those look delicious? What an awesome surprise when you got home!!!
