Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thematic Photographic - Signs of the Times

We're back with "Thematic Photographic" - Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. presents a weekly themed photographic challenge. This week's theme is Signs of the Times. Check in and see who else contributes photos based on this idea.

A sign, indeed, but a sign that is timeless. An ancient language still says "Beware of Dog" on this chain-link gate in my neighborhood. This sign has been adapted from a mosaic image of a dog found in the ruins of Pompeii, from 100 BC.

The dog, I should tell you, hasn't lived there for years.


  1. Maybe they would let you buy the sign? That is pretty cool!

  2. haha Ive seen a few signs around my neighborhood where the dog would only lick you to death!

  3. Priceless. I've never seen one of these. Scary enough to keep folks out even without a dog to back up the threat!

  4. That is a fantastic sign.
    You truly do have a great eye.
