Friday, June 25, 2010

Thematic Photographic - Signs of the Times

We're back with "Thematic Photographic" - Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. presents a weekly themed photographic challenge. This week's theme is Signs of the Times. Check in and see who else contributes photos based on this idea.

This building on South Broadway in downtown L.A. was built as the Orpheum Theatre in 1911. Designed by G. Albert Landsburgh, it featured French and Italian Renaissance-inspired decor, including four terra-cotta panels on the facade featuring the muses of song, dance, music and drama.

Above, flanking the marquee, are song and dance.

Here is drama

And music

In 1926 the Orpheum circuit built a new theatre a couple blocks south on Broadway - also designed by Landsburgh. This theatre was renamed the Palace, and continued showing movies until 2000. It's closed now, awaiting the revitalization of Broadway, and functions as a rental location for film and TV.

Signs of a time past.


  1. They just don't build them like this anymore. I know an engineer in Brooklyn who'd probably dig this.

  2. Wonderful!
    I'm hoping to get out with my camera and take a few pictures on this theme in the next few days. We're in the midst of relatives coming and going right now.

  3. They don't build like that any more!

    (Sorry, just realised BBBB said that! - But it's true!)
