Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Apple pie

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"American as apple pie" goes the saying. Sunday at the market, they were selling a wide variety of apples for $0.67 a pound! At those prices, I can afford to experiment.

Here they are, from left to right: Rome Beauty, Braeburn, Granny Smith and Fuji apples. I'm going to let each variety star in its own apple pie, and compare the tastes.


  1. I volunteer to be one of the judges!

  2. I believe I've had those Braeburn and Fuji apples fresh from the market in NYC before.

    They're great as slices with a bit of cheddar.

  3. I'm a Granny Smith gal in pies--the more tart the better. For eating I love a Pink Lady.

  4. What a great idea. Will you use the same recipe each time? We just love apples at our house.

  5. Four apple pies...can I come to your house?
