Friday, November 19, 2010

Have a good weekend

It's gray, it's cold, it's going to rain all weekend.

I spent an hour in traffic, traveling 5 miles. That's the price you pay to live up a two-lane road twisting up into the mountains. This time it was an overturned car on a horseshoe curve, right at rush hour.

But here's the consolation. I had a rare treat, I was able to leave work at 4:00 today.

So instead of going straight home, I went up to Palisades Village and bought some bath soap, that I had run out of, and got a long overdue pedicure. I sat there with my feet in warm water, reading fashion magazines, and relaxed.

Perhaps if I'd gone straight home, I would have landed right in the middle of the accident, which took place around 4:20.

So all that happened to me was that I sat in traffic, listening to "All Things Considered", and I have fresh, pretty, bright new red toenails.

[The Man I Love] is off at a conference. It's just me and Jack. We're going to take a nice long walk this weekend, if the rain will let us. And we'll share it with you.


  1. Nothing wrong w/ a walk in the rain, unless it's not Jack's idea of fun.

  2. Another nice photo of the secret Garden!! THanks for the memories! Have a great weekend!

  3. NPR has gotten me through heavy traffic on more than one occasion.

    We're having beautiful sunshine but it is cold outside.

  4. I spent an hour in traffic, traveling 5 miles. That's the price you pay to live up a two-lane road twisting up into the mountains.

    It's too bad there's no funicular to take you directly uphill.

    It's a lovely night here in NY- crisp and clear, with a luverly almost-full moon.

  5. I've been enjoying the fall of rain today. I hope you got your walk in. Bright red toes are fun!
