Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thematic Photographic - Candid

"Thematic Photographic" - Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. presents a weekly themed photographic challenge. This week's theme is CANDID. Check in and see who else contributes photos based on this idea.

As Carmi puts it: "This week's theme, candid, is all about capturing people when they may not be aware you're doing so. It's about telling stories of people as they are, not as they're trying to be."

This is one of my favorite photos of an evening we spent at the "Cabaret Sauvage" a circus-tent-like nightclub in a suburban park in Paris, at a concert featuring three African pop bands.

From a little corner by the stage where I found myself, I took photos of the performers, and this one in the wings. This is one of the dancers in the Congolese group Kasai All-Stars. She is off stage after dancing and watches and waits for her cue to go back on.

Here is a sense of concentration, seriousness, and attention. She is a professional - she knows how to be at rest during the break, but is poised and ready to return on her mark. Although I was focusing on the action on stage, I caught a candid glimpse of a person off stage, in the moment.

1 comment:

  1. "Here is a sense of concentration, seriousness, and attention. She is a professional - she knows how to be at rest during the break, but is poised and ready to return on her mark."

    What an apt description!
