Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

We spent the day after Christmas hiking in Red Rock Canyon.

Then we went home for our Boxing Day dinner.

It involved pie.


  1. I have been laying low and have not made a pie for several weeks. I am now convinced that I am cheating my college son of the experience. I'd better get baking!

  2. Sadly, I did not receive my box from the Queen today. Understandably, she is, no doubt, busy making wedding plans.

    Our Boxing Day consisted of breaking down boxes for disposal.

  3. Very nice pictures! Glad your son made it home safely! Is this Red Rock Canyon the same one that I have been to outside of Las Vegas, Nevada? It is so beautiful there!

  4. No, Karen, it's in Los Angeles County - you're right about the one near LasVegas being beautiful, but our little one here is quite nice too.
