Friday, December 10, 2010

December's rose

It's December, and look what's blooming in my garden! This rose has a half-dozen blooms on it, and several buds. Isn't it amazing?


  1. This is amazing; especially with the hand in the photograph to provide scale. Gorgeous color!

  2. Oh, my hand was further down the stem, so foreshortened. But the blossom was probably 4" across!

  3. The rose is amazingly huge, but even more amazing to my frozen world is that you have roses blooming in December.

  4. What a lovely find! It's just a perfect color too! Sure wouldn't find one of those in my garden right now! Another blizzard is beginning to fall!

  5. It is completely amazing and a gogrgeous colour to boot. I've never seen a rose that big. Is it a one-in-a-million or are all the blooms that large and vibrant? Does it have a scent?

  6. Gorgeous! My roses don't even have leaves on them.

  7. it's so beautiful! you are so lucky to have such a pretty rose in your garden!

  8. Oh my goodness. It is so big! I love it. What beauty in the month of December. Gorgeous.
