Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thematic Photographic - Wet

Carmi, at Written, Inc., posts a weekly photographic challenge, based on a theme. This week, the theme is WET. Go visit Carmi's blog, see who else participates, and share your photos.

Click to "embiggen"

During a break in the torrential rains the week before Christmas, we ventured out. The grey sky loomed overhead, threatening another downpour. The parking lot was one great puddle. The clerks at the Bangluck Asian market on Reseda Boulevard swept the water away from the door and stacked the merchandise up on pallets.

Now would be a good time for a warm bowl of pho.


  1. That pho looks really wonderful!

  2. the rain is not good but the soup looks delicious

  3. Love pho. Great on a cool, rainy day; almost a comfort food.

  4. Oh I'll have some of that soup for sure! Nice place to stop by in the rain too!
