Monday, February 7, 2011

More signs of spring

Clusters of little purple crocuses - croci? - are blooming in our front yard beneath the oaks.


  1. ohhh how beautiful!!

    wait - if you're having signs of spring.... no, it's ok - it's still blisteringly hot here.

    Gorgeous shot.

  2. Oh geeeez you are soooooo lucky...all I have in my front yard is frozen icky SNOW! and are you ready for this it is minus yes I said minus -17 degrees right this very moment....maybe Alexia can send some of her hot weather to MINNESNOWTA!

  3. We still have several inches of snow covering the garden. It will be awhile before I can view such a lovely sight in person, so I especially thank you for this picture today!

  4. Your picture brightened my day. We are having temps around 0 this afternoon...the thought of flowers is just dreamy!

  5. I am so happy for you : )
    We had sunshine today and I couldn't stop smiling. Even though it was 5 degrees!
