Friday, February 25, 2011

Night time on St. Charles Avenue

We're here, staying in an historic inn on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans. We got in around 7:00 pm and then walked out to find a place for dinner.

As we walked back, we saw this house, against the evening sky. Isn't it wonderful?


  1. You picked a good time to be away, although your house may be headed to the ocean if it doesn't stop raining.

    Not to worry, enjoy yourselves!

  2. That is a beaut... the architecture of N.O. is really delightful.

  3. Lovely! Hey, is that a ghost I see in the upper window? :)

  4. Oh you are a lucky person! Even just the name, St. Charles Street is lovely, and the house it IS oh so beautiful. I think it's Canal Street, the major one that runs up and down the city, and it has or did have street cars going up and down when I was there....I know with the major flood there they lost much of what I knew of the city. I remember a fascinating clock on a DT building will get some very awesome photos...please do keep us posted...if you see a crumbled down looking restaurant in the French Quarter, they have the best steaks (most yummy food to be had) and they serve the best soup in a huge container that goes from table to table...very quaint...the place is an unbelievable must see....especially going to the bathroom, you walk through the most interesting kitchens I've ever seen! and a surprising cook!

  5. As one commenter has already hinted, that would be ghostly house to decorate for Halloween.
    I took my kids to NOLA for a day back in 2002 and wish we'd had more time to explore.

  6. Wonderful. Thanks for taking the time to share your view of N'awlins!
