Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dude, we're floating!

This was our canyon road on Sunday afternoon during the storm. They're about a quarter of a mile north of where our road branches off and climbs the hill.

"Are we floating? Dude, we're floating a little bit. I think we're actually floating!"

[The Man I Love] and I (and Jack!) were some 200 feet higher in elevation than these guys, huddled safely in our dark house with candles and listening to the emergency radio, while this was going on.

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  1. Dudes, you're soaking in it!

    Stay safe, Aunt Snow.

  2. It was amazing! Glad you are safe. Hope the coming rain doesn't pose any problems!

  3. Wow! I read the previous post with great interest. Glad you're all ok!

  4. I'm glad YOU were smart enough to stay home!

    Those guys were darned lucky.
    "Dude, I have to call my mom!"

  5. Holy cow, what a dangerous situation. Any idea what sort of car they had? It didn't sink, I may have to think of getting one.

  6. the CHP report mentioned someone in a blue honda, and also the bmw, so maybe they were the honda.

  7. Ah, California.

    I was thinking of y'all Sunday when STORMWATCH 2011! announced there was a cell over your canyon & two inches were expected in the next hour.

  8. So I guess "Dude" is a very popular word?

    And yes, "I have to call my Mom", best line ever!
