Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rainy day, wet dog

It's been raining since late last night.

Jack's been out in it this morning. It's amazing how much water his coat can soak up.

Sorry, L.A. Marathoners. Hope you finish soon and dry off.


  1. We had a great day here yesterday, leading to the super moon.

    It's amazing how much water his coat can soak up.

    I bet he can shake up a rainstorm, too!

  2. Beautiful dog, and it's always funny to see them shake out all the water they do soak up.

  3. Goldie goes in and out, in and out. I towel dry her and sometimes get out the blow dryer, which she loves. She stands and then turns so I can get the other side.

  4. He looks less than impressed, I have to say.

  5. Send some of your rain my way, please.
