Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thematic Photographic - March Madness

"Thematic Photographic" - Carmi at the blog Written, Inc. presents a weekly themed photographic challenge. This week's theme is March Madness.

Carmi says the requirements for this photo challenge are:
  • It must have been taken during the month of March
  • It should illustrate some semblance of madness, silliness or irreverence. If it makes you smile, it's good.
Here's my March Madness photos - a typical LA sight, a TV film crew grip truck, filled with props and tools and equipment and - hey, what the heck is that?

It's a gory amputated leg. (click photo to "embiggen")

Just another part of the props inventory for the CSI-Vegas location film unit that's been shooting in Santa Monica this week. (Episode airs on May 5).


  1. LOL

    Aloha to you
    from Honolulu!

    Comfort Spiral



  2. So cool! Thanks for the heads up on CSI-Vegas my most favorite CSI, although I miss seeing William Peterson in the episodes! He's mostly just producing now I guess??? Great TP post!

  3. It should illustrate some semblance of madness, silliness or irreverence.

    Oh, I might be able to dig something up...

    Nice photo, Aunt Snow!

  4. Thanks for the motivation, Auntie :-) Cool that they're filming CSI near you!
