Monday, May 30, 2011

Comfort to strangers

A young man hiccups in the hallway. He must be twenty, twenty two perhaps. He sounds like any young dude, a little high or drunk, maybe. At first, he is so mild-mannered and casual I think he is a visitor or a hospital worker. He hiccups again.

He can't stop hiccuping. The nurse asks questions one after the other in her pert, accented voice, chirping almost merrily, "Can you take a deep breath for me? Do you smoke? How many packs a day? Does it hurt here? Where you from?" He talks of Hinsdale, Illinois - it's not clear what the connection is. Then suddenly he retches, painfully; gasps, and sobs.

With that, I know he's a patient.

"You okay?" asks the nurse. It is a rhetorical question, but he answers honestly, his voice breaking, "No. No, I'm not okay...." and his voice breaks. "I don't know where I am, am I in L.A?"

He retches again. "I'm just so tired of throwing up," he says, sobbing. "Will you hug me?"

The nurse laughs - and though she laughs it is nevertheless a laugh that holds great tenderness. "No, we can't hug you, but we'll take care of you. Here is your pillow, you hug your pillow."


  1. Muchas veces tenemos que tomar desiciones que afectan a nuestros sentimientos,para ello nos cubrimos las manos para salvar nuestra paz interior


  2. Muchas veces tenemos que tomar desiciones que afectan a nuestros sentimientos,para ello nos cubrimos las manos para salvar nuestra paz interior


  3. I need to remember that...I can always hug my pillow.

  4. This is why I sleep with 3 pillows: a soft feather pillow for my head, a firm bulky pillow for between my knees (for my back), and a regular, comforting pillow to hug.

  5. OH, I want to know what happened to him. Feel sad.
