Monday, May 23, 2011

May blooms

Here's what's in bloom in my garden this week:

The delicate single rose "Sally Holmes."

Shrub rose "Lavender Lassie."

A pale lavender clematis whose name I've forgotten

Louisiana iris - sort of a purply-chocolate brown and gold.


  1. I love that Louisiana Iris! We are currently awash in peonies. Unfortunately, we are also awash in thunderstorms that beat those lovelies into the ground. But, oh! The scent!

  2. You are so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty.

  3. Very pretty. I wish I knew the names of my roses. I've been seeing those Iris this year and don't remember seeing them before. The colors are so interesting.

  4. Ooh. I have a "Lavender Lassie", only it's not exactly a shrub anymore. It's now over 10 feet tall and threatening to take over the fence on my deck. It smells heavenly and blooms all summer long.
    Get well soon!
