Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pink Saturday - Fallen petals

Pink Saturday - Beverly at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you!

Fallen petals from a huge China rose bush I pass everyday on my morning walk, drift on the asphalt like confetti..

I meant to write a lot of things, including a longer post for Pink Saturday. But Blogger went down, and this is all I have.

It is a beautiful rose, though, isn't it?


  1. It would be nice to be showered with rose petals.

  2. What a vibrant pink! Petals on the ground look lovely, but I think I prefer them on the tree!

  3. Your photos really are exquisite, G.

  4. Lovely picture, we still have a ways to go here in Colorado for rose petals. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, I appreciate your good wishes and same to you.
