Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-op Prep

Before undergoing major surgery, patients should prepare their bodies for the ordeal ahead. Follow a few simple rules so that you will enter the operating room in the best possible condition.

In addition to the less pleasant matters of preparation prescribed by my doctors, I think a fresh pedicure and a new haircut should put me in the proper frame of mind for the days ahead.

That's the best I can do. Wish me luck!


  1. These are the kind of preparations I like. Good luck!

  2. Good thinking! You look marvelous and I hope you soon FEEL marvelous.

  3. Saying a little prayer for you. Keep us posted on your progress post-surgery. All the best.

  4. Good luck! You'll be just fine!

  5. You (and your toes!) look sparkling and delightful ~ Wishing you a smooth surgery and a steady and swift recovery. Thinking of you ...

  6. Don't they make you remove all nail polish before surgery, or is it just fingernail polish?

  7. Thinking of you! You look fabulous and I know all will be well.

  8. Aunt Snow came through her colonial experience with flying colors and one less appendix and is resting comfortably.

    More from her shortly....

  9. Yeah, the adjectival form of colon. D'er....
