Friday, May 20, 2011

Technological advances

I think it's probably common for most people to have anxiety dreams. You know the kind - you're trying to get somewhere or do something yet there's always an obstacle to prevent you. These dreams are usually recurrent - they come back whenever you're under stress.

In college I had dreams I was late for an exam and had to walk across campus. Later, working in the theatre, I dreamed that "Places" had been called and I was not in my place, and had to get there. In one series of theatre-dreams, I was running up a down escalator in slow-motion, trying to get to the spotlight booth.

But recently my anxiety dreams have featured a kind of technological advance! My psyche has entered the modern age.

In my dreams now, I am frantically trying to call someone on a cell phone, just in time to avert some dread disaster or misstep. The battery is dying. I can't get a signal. The number is not in my contacts and I have to look it up. My fingers fumble the little keys.....

It's good to know I'm keeping up with the times.


  1. And here I am, dreaming of being surrounded and taken down by snakes! Guess I haven't evolved much. ;)

  2. In college I had dreams I was late for an exam...

    I still have that dream! Maybe it's a flashback, though...
