Monday, May 16, 2011

Weighing In

I've finished my regimen of antibiotics. In ten days I'm scheduled for a colectomy, or bowel resection surgery. In a funny way, I'm actually impatient for the days to pass - I feel like I want this part to be over and get on to the next step.

Even though I'm not really following Weight-Watchers properly, I'm using their online tool to track my meals and my weight. Monday morning is my regular weigh-in time, so this morning I found that I've lost 9.4 pounds since starting Weight-Watchers. Which I suppose attests to the success of the "Can't-eat-or-drink-anything-you-like" diet, jump-started with 3 days of IV fluids. My clothes fit a little looser in the waist. Next week I'm going to check my summer clothes and see if I can wear some things I outgrew this past year.

How do I feel? I feel pretty good, although I get tired easily, and I feel cold most of the time. I feel hyper-aware every time my tummy gurgles, and I obsess over my bodily functions the way a mom does over a toddler or a new puppy.

While focusing on the date ahead, it's easy to have tunnel vision and lose sight of the world around me. I'm grateful for the support of [The Man I Love], my family and my friends. Thanks, guys, for putting up with me.


  1. Best of luck to you with the surgery. I hope your recovery is speedy and comfortable.

  2. You have a small army of women sending you good, healing thoughts.

  3. I felt so much better after my resection. Before I had it I was afraid, because I didn't know what the surgeon was going to find. You will feel better, I'm sure. Good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts. I am one of the small army of women sending healing thoughts to you.

  4. Thinking of you and (if you don't mind?) sending a few prayers your way. Bowel resections are a tough way to go for weight loss but we are looking at the positive so we will take it. Keep us posted and keep moving.

  5. Hugs and healing thoughts to you. I just know you'll be fine.

  6. The waiting is not fun. I hope it's all over soon, & I'm sure all will be well!

  7. It's sort of like the flu: awful to have, but at least it is temporary. (I know it's much worse than the flu.)
    Weight loss is a silver lining worth contemplating.

  8. Sorry I'm late to jump on the "wishing you well" bandwagon. Heal and feel well.
