Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thematic Photographic - Signs that make us wonder

Carmi at Written, Inc., posts a photographic challenge each week called Thematic Photographic - this week's theme is "signs that make us wonder."

Just after I posted my first sign for this theme, I was driving in to work and traffic was backed up on our winding, two-lane mountain road. I was stopped behind a long line of cars, and I looked to my left and there by the side of the road was this sign someone had nailed to a tree.

Truly, a sign that makes us wonder!

How nice that a traffic jam allowed me time to notice it and to take a photo!


  1. My favorite road sign was "High Winds May Exist". Now, that's philosophical.

  2. I was driving by a main street in our city and someone had spray painted several times on several walls, "don't leave me Buttercup". I imagine 'Buttercup' drives that same road.

  3. What an awesome sign for anyone to just happen by and see! Very cool...!

  4. Cheap to put up, but full of meaning.
