Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Unexpected Treasures

Lynne at the blog The Vintage Nest has been running a give-away during the month of May, and I was the lucky winner!

I've never won anything, really, except a set of Monkees records from a radio station call-in when I was 12 (and I already had all the Monkees albums by then!)

So I was thrilled when Lynne told me I was the winner, and then doubly thrilled when the Fed-Ex man delivered the box. It was fun to open and discover all the treasures.

Here are all the treasures - Sweet treats and delicious coffee!

Two vintage books, both by James M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan. This one is called "Sentimental Tommy." I love how the publishers put a page of tissue paper to protect the illustrations in those days.

Scented soaps and candles and a piece of real honeycomb - nature's geometry displayed.

Not to mention a real birds' nest.

What a treat! Thank you, Lynne! Aren't internet friends wonderful?


  1. those are some amazing gifts!!!

  2. What fun! Congratulations on your win, and yes, blogger friends truly are wonderful.

  3. Awesome stuff, Aunt Snow! Who did the illustrations in the Barrie book?

  4. Did the chocolates melt traveling clear across country?? LOL....never the less glad it made it there safe and sound. I loved those books! Enjoy g. xo

  5. What a treat! I just love getting gift boxes in the mail!
