Thursday, July 14, 2011

The end of life as we know it.


"Carmageddon" - that's what they're officially calling it.

This weekend, starting around 7 pm on Friday, July 15, the California Department of Transportation is going to close the 405 freeway through the Sepulveda Pass, until Monday morning, July 18.

The 405 will be closed between the 10 and the 101 freeways so the DOT can take down a bridge in the process of widening the freeway.

With the 405 closed, the entire west side of LA, including Santa Monica, Brentwood and UCLA will be forced to travel on surface streets - or not at all.

Not at all is more like it. We're staying home. Because - believe it or not - our winding, two-lane mountain road is the next road through the mountains west of the 405. Which means it will be the first thoroughfare chosen by anyone who needs to go from the Valley to the beach.

People are coming up with some ingenious ideas, though. My favorite? JetBlue is selling tickets for flights from Burbank airport to Long Beach airport - for only $4!  The flight takes about 35 minutes - pretty darn good, I'd say!

Here in Topanga, we've laid in supplies and we're having a "stay-cation." We've invited our neighbors for a potluck barbecue on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Le monsieur kept trying to talk me into going out of town. "What, and try to drive home on Sunday?!? When everyone else will be trying to drive home??" was my response. So we're going to lay low. Fortunately there's a parking lot carnival being set up at a local mall, so we'll have something to keep petit monsieur entertained.
