Thursday, July 21, 2011

A real treat

Last night I had an unexpected treat. My department at work had been offered free tickets to the final dress rehearsal of the new Cirque du Soleil production, "Iris."

I carpooled with a co-worker, and it took us 2 hours to get from Santa Monica to the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood and Highland. It was five minutes till curtain by the time we parked. We dashed up the escalators from the huge parking garage, hoping to get to the Will Call for our tickets before the show started - and then we rushed inside through the first set of doors.

How lucky we were! We found seats in the lower orchestra section, only six rows from the front! As we watched, the aerialists soared directly over our heads!

"Iris" is subtitled "A Journey Through the World of Cinema" - and it evokes the history of movies. It dazzles with a fast-paced blend of live action, video projection, and amazing feats of circus skill. What better place to see it than on Hollywood Boulevard?

The show started off strongly, with an aerial duet that took my breath away.

Photos were not allowed, so I only snuck a few before the show started. But here is the Cirque's own highlight video to give you an idea.

"Iris" is supposed to play a long run at the Kodak. If you visit Los Angeles, check it out. There's nothing more fun than having trapeze flyers bungee cord above your head!


  1. Sounds like a fun night. I've never had the opportunity to see a Cirque show, someday maybe.

  2. There's nothing more fun than having trapeze flyers bungee cord above your head!

    Can't scare Aunt Snow!

  3. Not sure why I haven't yet got to a Cirque show, but you remind me why I really should make that happen!
