Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekly Jack - keeping it cool

It's hard to be an Arctic dog in Southern California. Jack tries to keep it cool. He enjoys breezy mornings on our deck, and then when the sun wheels round, he comes inside and lies on the cool slate floor of our foyer. As soon as the sun sets, thought, he's back out on the deck, taking the evening air.


  1. Jack is a very, very beautiful dog. I am glad he is keeping cool : )

  2. What a cutie. Our own Malamutt (part 'Mute, part Shephard) is sad that we didn't give him his annual haircut because the spring was so awful. The good news is the "heat wave" will be over within a couple of weeks and we'll be back to PNW fall crap weather.

  3. We have a 95lb Goldendoodle. This summer has been hard on him. He goes outside for a bit, but his favorite place is in the bathroom, on the tile floor, under the air conditioning vent :-). Albug

  4. my shiba used to love to lay in the sun, but not so much anymore...now he lives for those cool fall days and SNOW!

  5. He is SO gorgeous! We rescue felines but I still love my dawgs. We have an ancient poodle that is diabetic getting insulin shots 2x a day, a mutt named Sasha who was beaten but still has major attitude bless her, and a chihuahua named Goliath, who thinks the felines are there to be his personal playmates. ;-)
