Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thematic Photographic - It's in the details.

Carmi at Written, Inc., posts a photographic challenge each week called Thematic Photographic - this week's theme is "In the details." The theme challenges us to isolate things a bit, to stop looking at the big picture and instead look at one or two of the details that contribute to it.

Talk about details. This is a vintage handbag, dating from the 1920s. The leather has been tooled in a pattern of stylized morning glories. Other details include decorative whip-stitching on the seams.

More details on this bag include tooled patterns on the hinged brass frame, and a decorative clasp.
Handbag dealer Nancy Fink has a collection of these 1920s era leather handbags, restored to exquisite shape. She's updated them with a shoulder-length chain.

Peek inside for more detail - this one is monogramed inside for the original owner. And more attention to detail - Nancy has slipped her card into the soft suede pocket.

Nancy does not have a website. She sells her collection of vintage and new handbags and accessories at charity events in Southern California. If you want to get in touch with her, or find out where she'll be next, email me.


  1. OH, I love that little vintage pouch. The clasp, the stitching, the worn leather. Beautiful. (p.s. - thank you for peaking and commenting on my blog ~sara)

  2. that is absolutely stunning.. the detail is an art in itself. i can imagine what it would cost in today's market.

  3. Awesome.

    I had a tooled leather bag in the 70's - I wonder whatever happened to it??

  4. Wow, nice bags. They almost look like they are made of metal :)

  5. Oh it certainly is in the details...lovely walk through such beauty! Your question on my TP detail post, it's inside one of the shopping malls in Las Vegas....!

  6. Like Alexia I too remember having a rather ornate bag in the seventies. They were all the rage then. The details on these are superb.

  7. What is it with ladies and handbags?
    However the details in the leather work are something to admire no matter what the bag cost.

  8. Beautifully detailed- especially the whip-stitching around the edge!

    Great choice for this theme :)

  9. I'd be afraid to carry one of these: They're works of art! The detail work is incredible...what I wouldn't give to watch an artisan all those years ago at work, creating one of these.

    Great choice of topic for this week's theme. I had no idea exquisite purses like these even existed. Stunning stuff!

  10. Beautiful craftsmanship! Love the detail! What a fantastic find!
