Monday, September 12, 2011

Thematic Photographic - Playing with light

Carmi at Written, Inc., posts a photographic challenge each week called Thematic Photographic - this week's theme is "PLAYING WITH LIGHT." 

Sooner or later, if you live and work in Los Angeles, you'll encounter an awards show. Whether you're working for a caterer, delivering a shipment of highly-valued awards, doing floral centerpieces, putting together goodie bags or vacuuming red carpets, you'll have some peripheral connection with this uniquely LA phenomenon.

Another view of the rig with technicians working in the air
I happened to wander on the set of one show recently while they were programming the lighting - playing with lights. This is a huge wheel-like truss of lights, poised high over the glossy stage with its runways and projection screens. Throughout the day, the technicians were "playing with light" - they were programming the looks, colors, and moves of the computerized lighting.

Here's a shot from further back - I've masked out the screen image to maintain the mystery. What show was it? You'll have to wait until the winners are announced!


  1. Gosh it makes you think UFO landing LOL. Super pictures.

  2. wow those are amazing! the blue in the first shot is - well, electric!


  3. Perfect rays of light...great take for playing with the prettiest of blues too!

  4. Great capture, I too love the colour :)

  5. Your camera playing with light while technicians are playing with light. Double whammy!

  6. What show was it?

    Who wants to marry a billionaire?

  7. My first reation was the same as Alexia - Electric Blue -almost iridescent.

  8. Damn, that's cool! I'm thinking Emmy, but I'm probably wrong.

    Life in the Hollywood limelight is clearly very different from the milquetoast burg where I currently live. I suspect I'd have more photo opps if I moved closer to your neck of the woods :)
