Friday, October 28, 2011

Blog Roll update

I've been quietly editing my blog-roll over the months, but I wanted to make sure readers know about a new addition today - Jen on the Edge. She's a fabulous writer, and a generous and inspiring member of the blogging community. If you're a blogger, or thinking of starting a blog, she's supportive, full of ideas, and fun to read. Go read her right now!

I've reluctantly removed a few links to blogs that I enjoyed but that sadly are no longer being updated. When you guys start up again, give me a shout.

There are also some names on my blogroll that, I admit, I no longer visit - not for any specific reason, really, but I no longer follow them. But because these bloggers are still working, writing, leading busy lives and happily blogging away, I think I'll leave their names. You can visit them, and maybe if you like what you read, you can draw me back to them.


  1. Yes, Jen is fabulous. Thanks for keeping me, by the way!

  2. I read Jen's post about blogging, but I haven't yet gone over to read more. Guess I'll have to correct that omission!

    Great color in the bouquet today, and thanks for having me on your blogroll! I need to make one over at my place. It's one of those things I haven't taken the time to put together yet, but it needs doing.

  3. Oh gosh, thank you for adding me! And thank you ladies for your lovely comments.

  4. Thanks for letting us know about the update to your blog roll. I'll have to take a peek at Jen's site. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. It does get hard to keep up doesn't it? I remember in the beginning when I had a list short enough that I read everyone's posts, every day. I wish I had the time to do that now because I know that I miss some very interesting posts! I still have a few in my blog roll that haven't been around in a year, but I keep hoping they come back.

  6. I see meself on there still, YAAY! You will be interested to learn that a) we went by your old Ithaca apartment today and I thought of you AND B) Ithaca and the northeast could receive record snowfalls tonight :) and c) of course, it snowed quite heavily here the other day, so, you know, we are already used to the ridiculously BAD weather that you left behind in moving to SOCAL :)
